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1 x Booting (63.37%) | 276ms |
1 x Application (36.62%) | 160ms |
select * from `bravo_locations` where `id` = '3' and `status` = 'publish' and `bravo_locations`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
2msu777078346_enjoyportalTour.php#981Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `bravo_tour_category` where (0 = 1 or 0 = 1 and `status` = 'publish') and `bravo_tour_category`.`deleted_at` is null
210μsu777078346_enjoyportalTour.php#1004Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select count(*) as aggregate from (select `bravo_tours`.* from `bravo_tours` inner join `bravo_locations` on `bravo_locations`.`id` = `bravo_tours`.`location_id` and `bravo_locations`.`_lft` >= 5 and `bravo_locations`.`_rgt` <= 6 where `bravo_tours`.`status` = 'publish' and `bravo_tours`.`deleted_at` is null group by `bravo_tours`.`id`) as `aggregate_table`
1.15msu777078346_enjoyportalTourController.php#54Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `bravo_tours`.* from `bravo_tours` inner join `bravo_locations` on `bravo_locations`.`id` = `bravo_tours`.`location_id` and `bravo_locations`.`_lft` >= 5 and `bravo_locations`.`_rgt` <= 6 where `bravo_tours`.`status` = 'publish' and `bravo_tours`.`deleted_at` is null group by `bravo_tours`.`id` order by `bravo_tours`.`is_featured` desc, `bravo_tours`.`id` desc limit 9 offset 0
970μsu777078346_enjoyportalTourController.php#54Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `bravo_locations` where `bravo_locations`.`id` in (3) and `bravo_locations`.`deleted_at` is null
190μsu777078346_enjoyportalTourController.php#54Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `bravo_location_translations` where `locale` = 'en' and `bravo_location_translations`.`origin_id` in (3)
210μsu777078346_enjoyportalTourController.php#54Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `user_wishlist` where `object_model` = 'tour' and `user_id` = 0 and `user_wishlist`.`object_id` in (8, 27)
200μsu777078346_enjoyportalTourController.php#54Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `bravo_tour_translations` where `locale` = 'en' and `bravo_tour_translations`.`origin_id` in (8, 27)
230μsu777078346_enjoyportalTourController.php#54Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `bravo_tour_category` where `status` = 'publish' and `bravo_tour_category`.`deleted_at` is null
260μsu777078346_enjoyportalTourController.php#86Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `bravo_tour_category_translations` where `locale` = 'en' and `bravo_tour_category_translations`.`origin_id` in (1, 3, 6, 8, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40)
300μsu777078346_enjoyportalTourController.php#86Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `bravo_locations` where `status` = 'publish' and `bravo_locations`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1000
260μsu777078346_enjoyportalTourController.php#87Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `bravo_location_translations` where `locale` = 'en' and `bravo_location_translations`.`origin_id` in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 30)
230μsu777078346_enjoyportalTourController.php#87Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select MIN( CASE WHEN sale_price > 0 THEN sale_price ELSE ( price ) END ) AS min_price ,
MAX( CASE WHEN sale_price > 0 THEN sale_price ELSE ( price ) END ) AS max_price from `bravo_tours` where `status` = 'publish' and `bravo_tours`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
260μsu777078346_enjoyportalTour.php#696Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `bravo_attrs` where `service` = 'tour' and `bravo_attrs`.`deleted_at` is null order by `position` desc
260μsu777078346_enjoyportalTourController.php#96Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select `bravo_terms`.*, (select count(*) from `bravo_tours` inner join `bravo_tour_term` on `bravo_tours`.`id` = `bravo_tour_term`.`tour_id` where `bravo_terms`.`id` = `bravo_tour_term`.`term_id` and `bravo_tours`.`deleted_at` is null) as `tour_count` from `bravo_terms` where `bravo_terms`.`attr_id` in (28) and `bravo_terms`.`deleted_at` is null
1.4msu777078346_enjoyportalTourController.php#96Backtrace |
select * from `bravo_terms_translations` where `locale` = 'en' and `bravo_terms_translations`.`origin_id` in (188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199)
300μsu777078346_enjoyportalTourController.php#96Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `bravo_attrs_translations` where `locale` = 'en' and `bravo_attrs_translations`.`origin_id` in (28)
200μsu777078346_enjoyportalTourController.php#96Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `core_menu_translations` where `core_menu_translations`.`origin_id` = 1 and `core_menu_translations`.`origin_id` is not null and `locale` = 'en' limit 1
460μsu777078346_enjoyportalHasTranslations.php#51Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `core_pages` where `core_pages`.`id` = 13 and `core_pages`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
300μsu777078346_enjoyportalMenuWalker.php#36Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `core_pages` where `core_pages`.`id` = 35 and `core_pages`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
200μsu777078346_enjoyportalMenuWalker.php#36Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `core_pages` where `core_pages`.`id` = 40 and `core_pages`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
200μsu777078346_enjoyportalMenuWalker.php#36Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `core_pages` where `core_pages`.`id` = 31 and `core_pages`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
200μsu777078346_enjoyportalMenuWalker.php#36Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `core_menu_translations` where `core_menu_translations`.`origin_id` = 1 and `core_menu_translations`.`origin_id` is not null and `locale` = 'en' limit 1
280μsu777078346_enjoyportalHasTranslations.php#51Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `core_pages` where `core_pages`.`id` = 13 and `core_pages`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
210μsu777078346_enjoyportalMenuWalker.php#36Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `core_pages` where `core_pages`.`id` = 35 and `core_pages`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
190μsu777078346_enjoyportalMenuWalker.php#36Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `core_pages` where `core_pages`.`id` = 40 and `core_pages`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
200μsu777078346_enjoyportalMenuWalker.php#36Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `core_pages` where `core_pages`.`id` = 31 and `core_pages`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
200μsu777078346_enjoyportalMenuWalker.php#36Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
select * from `core_pages` where `core_pages`.`id` = '24' and `core_pages`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
350μsu777078346_enjoyportalAppHelper.php#629Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
0 of 0array:2 [▼ "location_id" => "3" "set_lang" => "ar" ]
0 of 0array:22 [▼ "accept" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7" ] "accept-encoding" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "br" ] "host" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "" ] "pragma" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "no-cache" ] "user-agent" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;" ] "cache-control" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "no-cache" ] "x-forwarded-for" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "" ] "x-forwarded-proto" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "https" ] "x-real-ip" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "" ] "x-real-port" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "29139" ] "x-forwarded-port" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "443" ] "x-port" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "443" ] "x-lscache" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "1" ] "sec-ch-ua" => array:1 [▶ 0 => ""HeadlessChrome";v="129", "Not=A?Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="129"" ] "sec-ch-ua-mobile" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "?0" ] "sec-ch-ua-platform" => array:1 [▶ 0 => ""Windows"" ] "upgrade-insecure-requests" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "1" ] "sec-fetch-site" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "none" ] "sec-fetch-mode" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "navigate" ] "sec-fetch-user" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "?1" ] "sec-fetch-dest" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "document" ] "priority" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "u=0, i" ] ]
0 of 0array:5 [▼ "content-type" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "text/html; charset=UTF-8" ] "cache-control" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "no-cache, private" ] "date" => array:1 [▶ 0 => "Fri, 10 Jan 2025 07:52:55 GMT" ] "set-cookie" => array:2 [▶ 0 => "XSRF-TOKEN=eyJpdiI6InE0THRsVzhxTnlvUTkxb3pxYjRtSVE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiOVdEbVJyYlljY0I5Vyt2STNlVWU0dXdmTjVvVU40MlBBRDlWVitJQ1IvZXkzNmdWbEo4Slo4TmxyWCtvWmdlVlF2aDl4VlhsTVZsc2I0cmZPUG83V1d1cC9ZYjJsTTZNeDgraFkreUtjNnNkZm9SeTVWYk9pZWdlcFpBQndLQnAiLCJtYWMiOiI2ODY4N2QzMGZjY2NiOGNiYjc4ODlkZTA5NTc1MjVhOGUxZGVlOGMxMmZkYWU4ZTU1OTU1ZDA2MzBmNmU1MjNmIiwidGFnIjoiIn0%3D; expires=Fri, 10 Jan 2025 09:52:55 GMT; Max-Age=7200; path=/; secure; samesite=lax ◀XSRF-TOKEN=eyJpdiI6InE0THRsVzhxTnlvUTkxb3pxYjRtSVE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiOVdEbVJyYlljY0I5Vyt2STNlVWU0dXdmTjVvVU40MlBBRDlWVitJQ1IvZXkzNmdWbEo4Slo4TmxyWCtvWmdlVlF2aDl4V ▶" 1 => "bookingcore_session=eyJpdiI6InRMekJOMUZldTQ2OTFEM3BGSkpLOGc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiZkdLUEZjK0tLZWZVcm1PcjBFUVNTdnJmT2tkeG1MRkZsTUc3blR4M2VmMUplbHJBQ3lxNjA0UmhWcXBwdnBhME5CNEM5MDd1bXNrMGgwNVdhVE9HRjQ3RVRJcjQwVkhIVGtPN2dZSmhiOHhZUjFrR3hCMmREZWpXNWh2SlE2NFciLCJtYWMiOiIyZTk3NGQ4NDFjYzE4YzAwYTA4ZTM0MjM0YjBkNTQzYThhZmVmYzMzZThhZThiMDEyOGEyZDkzNTMxYWM1YjNlIiwidGFnIjoiIn0%3D; expires=Fri, 10 Jan 2025 09:52:55 GMT; Max-Age=7200; path=/; httponly; samesite=lax ◀bookingcore_session=eyJpdiI6InRMekJOMUZldTQ2OTFEM3BGSkpLOGc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiZkdLUEZjK0tLZWZVcm1PcjBFUVNTdnJmT2tkeG1MRkZsTUc3blR4M2VmMUplbHJBQ3lxNjA0UmhWcXBwdnBh ▶" ] "Set-Cookie" => array:2 [▶ 0 => "XSRF-TOKEN=eyJpdiI6InE0THRsVzhxTnlvUTkxb3pxYjRtSVE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiOVdEbVJyYlljY0I5Vyt2STNlVWU0dXdmTjVvVU40MlBBRDlWVitJQ1IvZXkzNmdWbEo4Slo4TmxyWCtvWmdlVlF2aDl4VlhsTVZsc2I0cmZPUG83V1d1cC9ZYjJsTTZNeDgraFkreUtjNnNkZm9SeTVWYk9pZWdlcFpBQndLQnAiLCJtYWMiOiI2ODY4N2QzMGZjY2NiOGNiYjc4ODlkZTA5NTc1MjVhOGUxZGVlOGMxMmZkYWU4ZTU1OTU1ZDA2MzBmNmU1MjNmIiwidGFnIjoiIn0%3D; expires=Fri, 10-Jan-2025 09:52:55 GMT; path=/; secure ◀XSRF-TOKEN=eyJpdiI6InE0THRsVzhxTnlvUTkxb3pxYjRtSVE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiOVdEbVJyYlljY0I5Vyt2STNlVWU0dXdmTjVvVU40MlBBRDlWVitJQ1IvZXkzNmdWbEo4Slo4TmxyWCtvWmdlVlF2aDl4V ▶" 1 => "bookingcore_session=eyJpdiI6InRMekJOMUZldTQ2OTFEM3BGSkpLOGc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiZkdLUEZjK0tLZWZVcm1PcjBFUVNTdnJmT2tkeG1MRkZsTUc3blR4M2VmMUplbHJBQ3lxNjA0UmhWcXBwdnBhME5CNEM5MDd1bXNrMGgwNVdhVE9HRjQ3RVRJcjQwVkhIVGtPN2dZSmhiOHhZUjFrR3hCMmREZWpXNWh2SlE2NFciLCJtYWMiOiIyZTk3NGQ4NDFjYzE4YzAwYTA4ZTM0MjM0YjBkNTQzYThhZmVmYzMzZThhZThiMDEyOGEyZDkzNTMxYWM1YjNlIiwidGFnIjoiIn0%3D; expires=Fri, 10-Jan-2025 09:52:55 GMT; path=/; httponly ◀bookingcore_session=eyJpdiI6InRMekJOMUZldTQ2OTFEM3BGSkpLOGc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiZkdLUEZjK0tLZWZVcm1PcjBFUVNTdnJmT2tkeG1MRkZsTUc3blR4M2VmMUplbHJBQ3lxNjA0UmhWcXBwdnBh ▶" ] ]
0 of 0array:4 [▼ "_token" => "EgpfOGSLYfYizreI6cRwGhVRWdL6xETYEDcOb8Jm" "_previous" => array:1 [▶ "url" => "" ] "_flash" => array:2 [▶ "old" => [] "new" => [] ] "PHPDEBUGBAR_STACK_DATA" => [] ]